THe is a mythical “female bar“: this teeth It’s a real type of barbell, but unless you’re competing in a sport of a certain strength, there are probably some misconceptions about what it is and why it exists. Is it a shrunk pink bullshit bar?Or it is Do all women have the equipment they need?No, it’s Both of them.. This is the true story.
Regular bars are not “men’s” bars
The most common barbells found in most gyms weigh 20 kilograms (44 pounds, and in some cases 45 pounds) and are about 7 feet long.Comes with a handle Approximately 1 inch thick (exact size varies by model) and Weights are attached to 2-inch thick sleeves on both ends of the bar. This is commonly referred to as the “Olympic” bar, whether or not it conforms to Olympic-style weightlifting rules.
In powerlifting competitions, recreational lifting and most weight rooms In training adjacent to sports, everyone uses this type and size bar, Regardless of gender.when We had a powerlifting competitionThere were three different bars — the USPA uses a very thick “squat bar” and an extra winding “deadlift bar” — but they were intended Not for people of different genders, but for different lifts.
So where do people use women’s bars? In a particular sport.
The women’s bar is for Olympic weightlifting
Remember weightlifting, snatch sports, clean and jerk? ((((This is a review.. ) This sport has men’s and women’s divisions, Each use Another bar.. The only other place I’ve ever seen men’s and women’s bars that I use regularly is the Crossfit gym. This makes sense. that’s why Crossfit has an Olympic lift built in.
Men’s bar It is the same family as the general-purpose barbell above. It weighs 20 kilograms, is 2,200 millimeters long, and has a central 28 millimeters, or just over an inch.
The women’s bar introduced in the late 1990s a bit small. It weighs 15 kilograms instead of 20 kilograms, is 2,010 millimeters (6’7 “) long, and has a central diameter of only 25 millimeters.Almost exactly 1 inch. The distance between the collars is the same as the men’s bar, so it fits in a standard size squat rack.
Why is there a bar for women?
There are two reasons There is a women’s bar. The diameter of the parts to be held and the movement of the bar when a load is applied.
n pleaseMake sure it is lightweight (15 kg instead of 20 kg) no The reason it exists.three that is Lightweight training bar for beginners and kids Use if you have trouble lifting a full size bar, but usually 5-10 kg and switch if you can lift a full size bar. In contrast, Clean and competitive female cramping over £ 300 I’m still going to do it with a 15kg women’s bar.
First, the thinner the bar, the easier it is to pick up. Weightlifting also uses a hook grip that pushes your thumb under your finger, so it’s important to be able to wrap your hands properly. 3mm isn’t much different and most people can hold both well, but if your hands are small, We appreciate the availability of thin bars. If the same 28mm bar is used for everyone, females will be at a disadvantage over male competitors.
Next, there is a way for the bar to bend when loading. this is, “Whipped.” If you put enough weight on the bar, the bar will bend. Sometimes you don’t want it (remember the USPA’s very stiff squat bar?), But in weightlifting you do. Lifters use the way the bar bends to help bounce off the bottom of the clean or move the bar to start jerk. When women use men’s bars, not many women experience the same amount of whips as men. So women’s bars are whiplash.
Other than the Olympic weightlifting gym, there are rarely women’s bars.
Now you understand what a female bar is teethLet’s talk about it It’s not..
If the gym has a bar that is shorter and lighter than the full size bar, But it’s the same thickness and not particularly winding, it’s not a female bar.It’s likely to be something like a straight curl bar (often £ 25, but they aren’t) or a short bar at £ 35 This one..
If your gym has an ultra-lightweight bar, it’s not a women’s bar.It’s likely Technique bar..Check the end cap and if you see something like “50 lbs”, it’s capacityLike ,, this is a £ 15 bar (or whatever) that can load up to £ 50 in total. These bars are perfect for kids and adults who need something lightweight for warming up.
If the gym has a bar the same size as a regular bar But it looks a little thin to you, it’s not a female bar.probably Deadlift barThe center is 27mm, actually Is longer Than a regular bar. Alternatively, the thickness of a regular gym bar may vary. For example, there may be 28mm and 29mm.
Your gym Might be so Have a female bar in addition to some other bars, especially if weight lifters and cross fitters train there from time to time.
When should I use the women’s bar?
If you are training in Olympic weightlifting and are planning to compete in the women’s division, you should use the women’s bar. The men’s bar works fine, but it’s a good idea to familiarize yourself with the type of bar you use in the competition and familiarize yourself with another bar. Plate math For use by other women in your gym.For example, to load 60 kilograms, you’ll need a blue 20kg plate, or blues, on the men’s bar. plus Small red for women’s bar (2.5 kg each). (The competition collar is superfluous, but it’s a completely different math lesson.)
If you need a short bar because your home gym doesn’t have enough space, try one of the short bars I mentioned. Rogue’s is only 69 inches long, but 79 inches for women’s bars and 87 inches for men’s Olympic bars or standard power bars. Keep in mind that these small bars will not fit in a standard size rack.
That’s really the only reason. If you need a thin, whippy bar for deadlift, use the deadlift bar. If your hands are small and it is difficult to hold a standard bar, Buy a set of straps When Work on grip trainingThe problem is you, not the bar.
This is the person who “couldn’t” hook grip on the men’s bar, but when I started training at the weightlifting gym, the hook grip on the women’s bar was fine. Surprise: When I returned to the men’s bar, I found that the hook grip worked well.It was easy learning It was on a thin bar, but once I knew how, my hands could do both perfectly. So feel free to try the women’s bar. However, do not assume that the men’s bar is unsuitable for recreational lifting.