In addition to the many “Happy New Year” wishes, you may also be flooded with all weight loss resolutions, detox diets, and promises to lose 10 kilos in 10 days. After all the big banquets, people are most likely to fall into these epidemics and are often unsupported medically. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t help detoxify your body or reduce indigestion or bloating.
Regarding detox juice, Dr. Ritika Samaddar, regional director of clinical nutrition and nutrition at Sackett’s Max Hospital, said detox juice is high in water, low in calories, and contains micronutrients and antioxidants. I am saying. Simply replacing the entire diet and drinking detox juice can have many negative effects in the long run, as it is protein-free and has very few calories. Instead, she suggests drinking a healthy detox juice or smoothie with a balanced diet to wash away toxins.
Dr. Sumitanaram, co-founder of Ayurveda, lists several Ayurvedic-supported ways to control indigestion and bloating with the help of these healthy drinks.
Herb tea
Drinking herbal tea after a meal will improve the digestion of food. Mentha, raspberry and blackberry tea are good choices. If you are suffering from abdominal pain, peppermint or chamomile tea will relieve you.
This is generally a digestible spice Hinge It can cure many digestive problems.Knob Hinge It can be added to a glass of warm water and should be taken 2-3 times daily to reduce indigestion and bloating.
Hot water
One of the easiest ways to find relief — a glass of hot water. It can help cleanse or wash away toxins from the body.
Fennel seeds
Eating spicy foods tends to burn your stomach. Having a fennel seed solves that problem. The oil contained in the seeds can relieve nausea. When making seed powder, drink twice a day with a glass of water.
Dr. Samada warns that if you are thinking of significantly reducing your calorie intake to make up for the extra calories you burn during your vacation, it can have a negative impact on your immune system and metabolic rate in the long run. I have.
Dr. Naram also emphasizes the dangerous nature of crash diets and overly restricted diets. “Studies show that rapid weight loss slows metabolism, weakens immunity, is likely to gain weight at abnormal rates in the future, deprives the body of important nutrients, and may increase the risk of dehydration. It is said that there is heart rate and heart stress, “she says.
With expert advice, she suggests a long-term healthy diet and lifestyle. Not only does this help maintain the body, but it also helps prevent a variety of chronic illnesses in the future.
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