If reducing tummy fat is your number one fitness goal, you need to consistently focus on the basics. This means eating a healthy diet high in lean protein when you’re low on calories, doing strength training at least 2-3 times a week, and doing aerobic exercise on your days off. Maintaining other healthy lifestyle habits is also important. For example, drinking the right amount of water each day (based on your health, activity, and other factors) and getting 7-9 hours of sleep each night. When you do all these things along your fitness journey, you will lose weight. However, if you have already done so, you can add some additional activities in the meantime to speed up the loss of tummy fat.
The most frustrating part of the body is the stomach. If you’re in your 40s, you know that in the last 10 years of life, it feels like it’s getting harder and harder to shape. Technically it is not possible to find a specific body part, can Incorporate effective floor exercises into your routine. In addition to training and strengthening your abdominal muscles, they help you burn extra calories.
Below are some floor exercises you can add to your fitness regimen to speed up your tummy fat loss. Perform each operation in succession, either in a circuit fashion or one at a time. And then, check out the six best exercises for a strong, toned arm in 2022, says the trainer.
Place your hips flat on the ground and start this movement. Keep your core firm, lift your legs towards your body, and bend your abdominal muscles hard. Slowly lower your legs while maintaining core tension before running another person. Complete 3 sets of 10 to 15 iterations.
Related: Five Easy Ways to Burn Fat Without “Exercise”, Trainer Says
Lie on your back and rotate your body up with one elbow facing the other knee. Straighten your heels and fully extend your other leg. When you’re done, bend your abdominal muscles hard and repeat on the other side. Complete 3 sets of 30 iterations.
Face the wall with your heels, hips, and shoulders touching the wall. Place your wrists and feet on top of each other and align your shoulders. When tilting or bending your hips straight up or down, tighten the core and squeeze your gluteal muscles to maintain diagonal tension. Perform 3 sets of 10 iterations on each leg.
Related: Five Best Exercises for Permanently Removing Donuts in the Stomach, Trainer Says
Place your shoulders on your wrists, straighten your back and do push-ups. Tighten the core, squeeze the gluteal muscles, and keep yourself under control until your whole body is on the floor. When you reach the bottom, lift your hand off the ground and put your hand back to push yourself up. Bend the triceps and chest up and finish before running another person. Complete 3 sets of 10 to 15 iterations.
Start this exercise by leaning back with your legs fully extended. Lift them a few inches off the ground and start drawing a figure eight (or infinity symbol) with your feet, crossing while maintaining core tension. When you complete one loop and draw a figure eight, you become one person in charge. You can continue drawing in the same direction or go backwards for the next person. Complete 3 sets of 8-10 iterations.