Jack Bernard was formerly the SVP of a national healthcare company and the first health planning director of GA. He was the chair of the GOP in Jasper County, Georgia. He is currently Vice President of the Health Commission in Fayette County, a suburb of Atlanta.
As someone who has spent most of his career in healthcare policy and healthcare companies, I support all the recently introduced Senate Bill 4204-2022. One of the key aspects of the bill is to ban the federal government. From reimbursement of provider marketing costs, concerns about the provider’s net profitability, or the impact of political contributions. This money will be used to care for the patient.
It’s time for the United States to seriously consider single-payer health insurance, which offers freedom of choice. Citizens can go to any doctor or facility. Under 4204, all U.S. residents will be automatically enrolled in Medicare at birth and will be able to obtain medical services as a qualification rather than the current privilege under the age of 65. In addition, you will be able to participate in Medicare for All, as outlined in all US healthcare provider bills in good condition.
Specifically, the following services are targeted. Hospital services including inpatient and outpatient hospital care, pediatrics, emergency services, and medicines. Outpatient services; Primary and preventive services; Prescription and medical devices; Mental health and substance use treatment services; Testing and diagnostic services; Comprehensive reproductive, childbirth, and neonatal care. Oral hygiene, audiology, and visual services. Rehabilitation and rehabilitation services; Home and community-based long-term services.
The key to understanding this law is the fact that there is no cost sharing. Residents of the United States are fully covered without deductions, joint insurance, and out-of-pocket costs.
Under this law, a single payer is affordable. In fact, affordability is the concept behind establishing a broad annual “national health budget.” As outlined in the bill, it mainly consists of an operating budget, a capital spending budget, and a special project budget.
This global budget is the basis for lump-sum payments to facility providers such as hospitals, skilled nursing facilities, and independent dialysis facilities, with historical and projected service volumes, actual provider spending / operating costs, wages, accessibility, and Adjusted quarterly based on other considerations.
Non-institutional providers are compensated by service fee arrangements based on the expertise of these providers and the value of the items and services offered by them. This price list is updated annually. Such providers can be single or group practices (no salary, working in an institution), and providers of home and community-based services. To improve the current maze of electronic recording systems, DHS will establish a unified national system for electronic billing of provider payments.
The price paid by DHHS for eligible medicines, medicines, and medically required auxiliary equipment is set annually. Prescription collections are then established to discourage the use of prescriptions, ineffective or overly expensive medicines, and to ensure best practices in emphasizing generics.
We are the strongest and wealthiest democracy in the world. Still, studies show that the health care status of US citizens is far below that of other democracies. In fact, even after ACA, 12% of Americans under the age of 65 are not yet insured.
But this number is much higher in Georgia. The percentage of uninsured people is the third highest in the country, with 16% of non-elderly people. That’s about 1.4 million Georgians out of coverage and millions uninsured with inadequate private insurance.
Lucky Georgians with good insurance tend to prefer doctors, nurses, clinics and hospitals. However, few people say they “like” commercial insurance plans … especially after they get sick and have high deductions and out-of-pocket health care providers and medicines.
Senate Bill 4204, Medicare for all 2022 laws, is sponsored by Senators from Rhode Island to Hawaii. Georgians elected to the US House of Representatives, including Congressman Nikema Williams and Congressman Hank Johnson, were founded as co-sponsors of a similar Medicare for All bill, HR1976. I believe the majority of Georgians are ready to assist a single payer and both of our senators want to join them.
Jack Bernard was formerly the SVP of a national healthcare company and the first health planning director of GA. He was the chair of the GOP in Jasper County, Georgia. He is currently Vice President of the Health Commission in Fayette County, a suburb of Atlanta.