Trainers, authors, fitness model Kirk Charles, and NASM-CPT CES know that life can become more complex as you get older. But that shouldn’t prevent you from being on top of your game. He can help you answer difficult training questions that come with age, so you can fit over 40 too.
One of my young friends in the gym is the strongest guy I know of his size. He’s 40 years old, 5 inches shorter and at least 20 pounds lighter than me. Even with my size advantage, he always reminds me to beat me when we do biceps curl and grip strength tasks.
As I’m old, I can’t afford to give my younger friends any more benefits, so I started to focus more on increasing my arm strength. One exercise I mix in my routine is Zottman Curl. I use it because it takes on a double duty — I can attack the strength of the biceps and forearms in a single exercise. You can also work on grip strength. It is an indicator of overall intensity and mortality as you get older.
How to do Zottman curl
To set it up, you need to grab a pair of dumbbells. While standing in the athletic position and holding the dumbbells on both sides in the neutral position, press on the gluteal muscles, abdominal muscles, and shoulder blades. Roll both dumbbells up and twist your palms toward the ceiling. At the top of the curl, squeeze the biceps. Karl’s secrets are: Before returning the dumbbells to their original position, twist your palm forward and keep your elbows moving only to your forearms. Then slowly lower the dumbbells back to the starting position. It’s one person in charge.
Zottman Curl is one of the exercises you don’t want to do in a hurry, especially in the eccentric part of the movement (lowering the dumbbells). Curling often wastes that part of the exercise, loses control, and makes it impossible for people of all kinds to make the most of it. Grip and forearm strength are important for older men (twisting doorknobs, opening bottles, hanging exercise, etc.), so slow and controlled movements lower the dumbbells to get the most out of your exercise. .. Align your upper arm with your torso so that your elbows do not stick out. This can also reduce the effectiveness of exercise. Also, if your body is shaking, you are overweight. Just grab a light dumbbell and you’ll stay in control.
Focusing on quirky movements, you don’t have to put too much weight on Zottman’s curls. Start by reducing the weight you normally do with standard curls by 10 to 15 pounds. When gaining weight, lie on your back (palm up) and squeeze as much as possible so that it hits your biceps. When losing weight, use 5 counts and remember to do as much pronational exercise as possible (palm down) so that it hits your forearm. Start with 4 sets of 8-10 iterations.
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