Oatmeal has a long-standing reputation as a healthy breakfast food. And if you want to lose weight, it makes sense to look at healthy foods like oatmeal to help you reach your goals.
But, despite all its health benefits, is oatmeal suitable for weight loss? Nutrition experts say there are many factors in this conversation. “It really depends,” says author Jessica Coding, MS, RD. A small book of game changers. “Oatmeal is a very healthy food, but there are some things to consider.”
Interested in using oatmeal to reach your weight loss goals? Here’s what you need to know:
Oatmeal nutrition information
Oatmeal has a healthy reputation and for good reason. teeth energy. Here’s what you can expect from the nutrition department when you eat half a cup of oatmeal:
calorie: 148
thick: 2.5 grams
protein: 5.48 grams
carbohydrate: 27.3 grams
fiber: 3.76 grams
sodium: 1.2 mg
Is Oatmeal Suitable for Weight Loss?
maybe. “Fiber is one of the things that helps you feel full after a meal, and oatmeal contains a good amount of fiber,” says Keetley. “But it’s still a grain and there’s a lot of energy in a small package. It’s very easy to overeat and many people need to add honey, sugar, or sweeteners to make it palatable. That means there is, but this doesn’t help with the nutrition profile. ”
Founder of Beth Warren Nutrition The secret of Chagall.. “Be careful to carefully consume oatmeal from flavor packets, as many brands can contain large amounts of sugar,” she says. “Ideally, choose to add flavors and sauces of ingredients, such as a teaspoon of peanut butter fruit, to create plain oatmeal.”
According to the coding, whether oatmeal helps you lose weight depends on what you actually eat. “We want to make sure we get protein and fat,” she says. It can mean making with milk, adding a spoonful of seed or nut butter, or having it with eggs, she says. She can also add nutrients by adding just a handful of berries or finely chopped zucchini.
What are the benefits of eating oatmeal?
We have a lot. “Oatmeal is a 100% whole grain rich in soluble fiber and may help reduce the risk of heart disease, lower cholesterol levels and maintain blood sugar levels,” he said. Small change diet..
Oatmeal is also “very available” and can be manufactured quickly, says Scott Keytree RD of Keytree Medical Nutrition Therapy. He says it increases the likelihood that you will actually eat it when you are at your location, rather than getting permanent residence in the cupboard. “It also contains Vitamin E, which is suitable for hair, skin, nails, and key players in the immune system,” says Keetley.
Coding says that the water-soluble dietary fiber contained in oatmeal also fills you. “It occupies space in the stomach that can interact with the fluid in your digestive tract and help you fill up,” she says. “If you find yourself hungry right after you eat, it helps.”
Are there any drawbacks to eating oatmeal on a regular basis?
Oatmeal is not a complete diet, says Keetley, “but many people treat it that way.” That’s why it’s so important to add protein and fat to conclude the nutrition you get from having a bowl, he says.
Guns is also advised to pay attention to your quantity. “”One has to stick to a 1/2 cup serving before cooking, “she says.
However, overall, using oatmeal with minimal sweeteners and adding protein and fat to the mix can be a healthy food that can help you reach your weight loss goals, Coding said.
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