Studies have shown that humans have a built-in instinct for healthy foods and that they choose their diet for specific micronutrients.
- New research suggests that humans may prefer foods based on their health benefits
- Humans have more sophisticated dietary choices than previously thought
- It has long been thought that humans look for foods with high energy density and ignore other foods.
- Minerals and vitamins were thought to be ingested simply because humans ate many foods indiscriminately, but this concept is now being challenged.
human Choose foods to meet your vitamin and mineral needs-a challenging concept that we prefer starchy foods.
We have long been thought of looking for energy-dense foods and getting vitamins and minerals by eating a variety of dishes.
However, current research suggests that humans may have “nutritional wisdom” and prefer foods that may be beneficial to health.
Humans have more sophisticated dietary choices than previously thought.New studies suggest choosing foods based on micronutrient content rather than starch content
Jeff Branstrom, a professor of experimental psychology at the University of Bristol and lead author, said:
“For the first time in almost a century, humans have become more sophisticated in their food choices, as they choose based on specific micronutrients rather than simply eating everything and getting what they need by default. I showed that I could see it. “
In an experiment involving 128 adults, the team measured their preferences by displaying images of different fruit and vegetable combinations to participants. This showed that they prefer certain food combinations to others.
For example, apples and bananas may be selected slightly more often than apples and blackberries.
Preference seems to be predicted by the amount of micronutrients in pairing and whether the combination provides a balance of different micronutrients.
The actual dietary combinations reported by the British Parliament and the Nutrition Survey were also analyzed by the researchers.
They found that a popular combination increased exposure to micronutrients, the journal Appetite reported.
For example, fish and chips and curry rice seem to offer a wider range of micronutrients than randomly generated dietary combinations such as chips and curry.