Most people want to lose weight quickly and significantly. This is perfectly understandable, but the strategy can seriously backfire and regain all weight later. If you’re just starting out, a goal you might be thinking about setting yourself is to drop 1-2 pounds a week. It sounds feasible, but you may be wondering if it’s really safe and how to lose £ 2 a week.
According to Jonathan Valdes, RDN, owner of healthy nutrition and spokesman for the New York Academy of Nutrition and Nutrition, the good news is that these numbers fit correctly in an acceptable stadium. “The safest weight to lose is 1-2 pounds a week,” he says. Not only that, but according to the CDC, people who lose weight slowly and steadily (about 1-2 pounds a week) have also been successful in losing weight in the long run.
However, many factors can affect the actual number of pounds you lose each week. For one thing, nutrition plays a big role. “Specifically, it’s the comings and goings of calories,” says Valdez. “Other factors include illnesses related to metabolism, genetics, physical activity, stress, and the amount of sleep you get each night.”
He points out that losing more than £ 2 a week can cause electrolyte imbalances, menstrual irregularities, constipation, malaise, muscle loss, hair loss, and gallstones.
How can I lose £ 2 a week?
If you want to see progress of £ 2 a week, you’ll want to stay calorie deficient compared to the amount you need to maintain your current weight, Valdez explains.
“The best way to lose £ 2 a week is to reduce your calorie intake by 500 calories and exercise to reduce 500 calories per day,” he says.
However, it does not mean that you can eat whatever you like as long as it is within these parameters. “Overall, calories you consume need to come from healthier options such as whole grains and lean protein. To reduce calories, increase your intake of fruits, vegetables, fiber, and lean protein. You can, “says Valdez.
How many calories should I eat to lose £ 2 a week?
Valdez advises against a diet that recommends eating less than 1,200 calories. Knowing your exact calorie intake can be complicated, especially if you are exercising. “It’s best to look for a registered dietitian to help,” he says.
If you still want to do it yourself, Valdez says the dietary guidelines for Americans are a great model to follow. The guidelines recommend incorporating these into your diet daily.
- 2 tablespoons of fruit a day
- 2-3 tablespoons of vegetables a day
- As long as 6-8 cups of water per day, or morning urine is yellowish
- 25-30 grams of lean protein 3 times a day
How much exercise do you need to lose £ 2 a week?
“To lose £ 2 a week, you’ll see a shortage of about 7,000 calories a week, or 1,000 calories a day. This deficiency is primarily caused by diet and needs to be compensated for by exercise.” Said FitOn trainer Bree Mitchell, CPT. “Assuming you’re reducing about 500 to 750 calories from your diet, you’ll want to create a shortage of the remaining 250 to 500 calories by exercising and increasing your physical activity.”
ICYMI, physical activity increases NEAT (heat generation of non-motor activity). This can have a significant impact on the number of calories you burn each day.Besides going to the gym, Mitchell states that there is a habit that can be incorporated into routines to maximize NEAT.
- Please use the stairs
- Make a call while standing, walking around, walking
- Park further away
- Get up from your desk and move around regularly
- Stretching in the morning, noon, before bedtime
- Take your dog for a walk
- Play with your child
- Do chores around the house
But if you’re looking for the perfect workout plan to help you lose £ 2 a week, Mitchell suggests a combination of strength training and additional aerobic exercise to burn more calories in the short term. increase.
Strength training does not burn as many calories as aerobic exercise, but it is a very important part of a long-term, healthy and balanced exercise routine for gaining lean body mass and promoting metabolism.
“This plan is intended to be carried out for a period of time, especially for the purpose of reducing body fat. This plan increases activity due to extra calorie deficiency every day and does not overwhelm the body thereafter. The aim is to shrink regularly, “she points out.
How long do you need to exercise to lose £ 2 a week?
Mitchell says he aims to travel 60-90 minutes daily by incorporating selected daily aerobic exercise for one hour a day and adding full-body strength training 2-3 times a week.
“Diversity is key and keeps this program fun. Plan your weekly aerobic exercises and embrace new and fun ways to move and sweat,” says Mitchell. “Your body will also benefit from different types of movements and will be fun and effective!”
She recommends the following for aerobic exercise:
- walking
- jogging
- hiking
- cycling
- Stair climber or elliptical
- swimming
- Dancing
- Kickboxing
- Cardio-based group fitness class
“We are all individuals with their own metabolism, which means that our body’s current calorie intake and burning rate are unique to us,” Mitchell said. I am. They have something to do with both diet and exercise consistently before you decide to lose body fat, and your overall lifestyle and the life stage you are in. Mitchell adds that it is important to listen to your body and take holidays as needed.
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