Christopher Brown, 56, tells how he lost £ 30 and became a more confident and active person.
It was a fragmentary method that I wasn’t happy with the results, but I’ve been working consistently throughout my adult life. I always thought I was in good shape, but I couldn’t achieve my personal goals. Growing up, and even at the beginning of adulthood, I was able to eat anything and not gain weight. If I wore a few pounds, they would easily come off with a little work. But it changed slowly over time and my diet did not change. I was really rutted by the stress of work, poor dietary choices, and excess alcohol. The additional activities brought about by Covid pushed me to the limit and motivated me to make a big difference in my routine and lifestyle.
Signed up for the Ultimate Performance three-month transformation challenge. UP helped me create a diet plan to provide energy and the nutrients I needed, and more importantly, took responsibility for maintaining the plan. The current breakfast is usually eggs, cottage cheese and smoked salmon. Lunch is a big salad of chicken and fish. And although dinner is often served in restaurants, it’s centered around easily cooked meat and fish with fresh vegetable side dishes.
I trained up three times a week, usually at least two aerobic exercises on an exercise bike. By walking to a nearby location instead of getting in the car, I tried to keep my daily steps above 12,000. At first, deadlifts and chin-ups seemed impossible, so I had a hard time learning the right techniques and forms. My trainer, Evin, carefully observed my form and provided a great cue to improve repetition. Now I’m surprised that they are two of my favorites.
I commend Evin for his success. He explained the importance of my diet and provided a strategy to get going even when I had to travel or attend social events. I told him which restaurant I needed to go to and he reviewed the menu and made suggestions. Making a plan makes all the difference. Laser’s focus on his forms and techniques gave me confidence that I was exercising correctly and making the most of each training session. Before gaining access to that knowledge, I probably wasted days exercising improperly in the gym.
In just three months, I lost a total of £ 30. My body fat went from 24.9% to 13.9%. I have repeatedly set goals to improve my fitness and health, but I have never really achieved these goals. By completing this transformation, we have proven that we can achieve the milestones we set when we prioritized. The self-confidence gained from the transformation unexpectedly emerges in other aspects of my life. When something seems unattainable or challenging, I know deeply that it can be overcome by keeping it in mind.
My next goal is to gain lean muscle mass while losing weight. Evin is changing my training and diet to focus on muscle hypertrophy. This keeps me engaged in the process and, as always, motivates me by the results I continue to see.
If you want to make dramatic changes in your body, it requires a firm commitment. So go all-in to achieve what you want. Talking to a friend who worked in UP’s personal training took me a big step forward. Having a quality coach motivated me to stay on the track and gave me quick and visible results to keep me motivated to continue this great fitness journey. My advice is: Make your transformation a top priority and find a way to be held accountable for your achievements and failures, whether you use a personal trainer or not.
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