On May 18, the House Energy and Commerce Commission marked up and advanced six laws, including the 2022 Mental Health and Welfare Act (HR 7666) and the Advanced Research Projects Agency-Health (ARPA-H). rice field. Prior to the law (HR 5585), the House Energy and Commerce Committee’s Health Subcommittee unanimously passed both bills in the markup on May 11. [refer to Washington Highlights, May 13].. The Commission’s bipartisan vote 55-0 for HR 7666 and 53-3 vote for HR 5585 will allow action to be taken for consideration in the House of Representatives.
In the opening statement, Chairman Frank Palon Jr. (DN.J.) cooperated bipartisan on a bill to approve and re-approve key programs for the prevention and treatment of mental health and substance use disorders. Praised the Commission for. He discusses amendments to the bill, including key provisions for the 2021 AAMC-backed Mainstream Poisoning Treatment (MAT) Act (HR 1384) and the 2021 Dosing Access and Training Expansion (MATE) Act (HR 2067). I considered it. ). Pallone emphasized the importance of increasing access to substance use disorder treatment and reducing stigma.
Rep. Brett Guthrie (R-Ky.), A ranking member of the Health Subcommittee, recalled the importance of the law and said, “Behavioral medicine and comprehensive for those seeking assistance in overcoming substance use disorders. It will reapprove major federal programs that facilitate access to services. ” Throughout the pandemic, we’ve seen how important access to these services is. He also thanked him for the legislation he sponsored, the 2022 Block Grant Act for Substance Prevention, Treatment, and Recovery Assistance Services, included in the bipartisan package.
At the markup, members of the Commission considered some amendments to the law. Rep. Paul Tonko (DN.Y.) has proposed an amendment that includes the provisions of the MAT Act. This removes the requirement for healthcare providers to apply for and receive an X exemption for prescribing buprenorphine from the Drug Enforcement Department. Substance use disorder. “We live in 40% of counties with more than 20 million Americans in a country where no doctor can prescribe buprenorphine for addiction,” he said. This amendment was agreed by a roll call vote of 45-10.
Members of the committee also considered amendments introduced by Congressman Rory Trehan (D-Mass.). This was agreed by a 46-8 roll call vote. The amendments include provisions of the MATE Act, and providers authorized to prescribe regulated substances (including buprenorphine) under state law should at least know how to effectively manage opioids and other substance use disorders. You need to complete 8 hours of training.
In addition, Congressman Fred Upton (R-Mich.) Introduced an amendment inspired by the 2021 Virtual Peer Support Act, HR 2929. It provides grants to support access to virtual and face-to-face peer support services. “Research and real-world evidence show that engaging with a mental health peer specialist trained in an individual or group setting can provide the support needed to stay healthy,” he said. The proposed amendment was agreed by a roll call vote of 55-1.
The Commission considered the amendment proposed by Congressman Tony Cardenas (D-Calif.). This amendment provides state grants to ensure compliance with federal mental health equality laws. This amendment was agreed by a roll call vote of 31-24.
In addition, the Commission has marked up and proceeded with a Food and Drug Administration (FDA) law for collecting user fees from drug developers and a law authorizing the creation of ARPA-H. The Food and Drugs Amendment Act of 2022 (HR 7667) was agreed by a 55-0 roll call vote. Congressman Butterfield (D-NC) has proposed an amendment to the law under the Give Kids a Chance Act (HR 5416). This empowers the FDA to request a pediatric study of a new combination of targeted cancer treatments. This amendment was agreed by a voice vote. Anna Eshoo (D-Calif.), Chair of the Health Subcommittee, has introduced an alternative amendment to the ARPA-H Act, which defines the scope and mission of the new body. The amendment was agreed by voice vote, and the underlying law was agreed by a roll call vote of 53-3.