On busy work days, whether at home or in the office, don’t forget to eat unless you hide your treat on your desk.
It’s more important than you think. Dietitians say treats shouldn’t replace meals, but often you need to keep them until you’re away from your computer. Eating every 3-4 hours stabilizes blood sugar levels and helps prevent serious health problems such as the heart. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the disease. It also helps you effectively control your hunger throughout the day.
“I often see people [who] Erica Leon, a New York-based registered dietitian and nutritionist, told CNBC MakeIt: She often goes unnoticed and “hungry” and goes to the other side of eating too much. “
Of course, the secret is to find delicious and relatively healthy snacks. Many of the popular snacks contain excess sodium and sugar. This is usually reasonably good, but you probably don’t want to eat it repeatedly on a daily basis.
Here’s what a couple of nutritionists and nutrition experts regularly put on their desks for daily snacks:
Nut butter or cheese fruit
Combining your favorite fruits with nut butter or cheese (such as apple slices and peanut butter, berries and cottage cheese) could be an excellent source of protein to help reduce noon hunger, Leon said. say. And Bonus: Probably an easy pairing to achieve with items already in your home.
If you don’t have fresh fruit right now, find a local farmer’s market and make time to stop by, says Kimberly Snoddgrass, an academy’s food and nutrition expert and academy spokesman for the Academy of Nutrition and Nutrition. say.
“Go to the local market and get a big fruit tray from which you can choose what you like,” says Snodgrass. “It’s already pre-engraved, pre-cleaned and ready-to-use healthy snacks.”
Nuts or seeds
Nuts and seeds have two major advantages. Rich in protein, it fits easily in or on almost any desk.
Snodgrass is especially recommended for unsalted pistachios. This is because it contains additional monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats that are good for the heart. She says there is too much sodium in the salted version — and you can always add your own salt to control how much you consume.
When it comes to seeds, Snodgrass says chia seeds and flax seeds are the way to go, especially alongside low-fat Greek yogurt. Both types of seeds contain fiber, which can lower cholesterol. And the protein from Greek-style yogurt makes the snack enough to do the job, studies show.
Snack bar
The snack bar is a quick and easy treat to pick up on the way out of the door or from the kitchen to your home office. Leon states that it doesn’t expire as quickly as other foods, so it’s easy to store on your desk for a while.
Options range from granola bar to fig bars, with many others in between — and some are healthier than others. Last year’s Consumer Reports guide recommends looking for a bar that has zero sugar and contains at least 3-5 grams of fiber and protein. The report also recommends reviewing the list of materials. If the top of the list doesn’t contain oats, fruits, nuts, or eggs, you probably should stay away.
Hummus and vegetables or bread
Leon says that combining hummus with bread-based foods such as vegetables, crackers and pita bread provides a wonderful combination of heart-healthy fats, proteins, carbohydrates and fibers.
Carbohydrates and proteins help stabilize blood sugar levels, Leon says. The CDC states that fiber can lower blood cholesterol and that potassium in vegetables can help the body regulate the water it needs to function.
In summary, Leon says this combination can satisfy your hunger for a while. As for whether to choose bread or vegetables, she adds: It depends on your own personal taste.
From time to time, your brain or stomach may tell you that you are hungry — in fact, you may need just a little water, Snodgrass says. She recommends keeping water on your desk and drinking some before going for a snack to see if your body is warning of hunger or thirst.
“Usually you’ll see people running to get food when you have to look at clues and say,’Wait a minute, did you even have water today?’ Often, when you think you’re hungry, you’re really thirsty and dehydrated, “she says.
If you are still hungry after drinking water, bring a snack. You probably need a snack. According to Snodgrass, if you want to make the water less noticeable, add fruits and vegetables. Add cucumbers, lemons, mint, etc. to add your favorite flavor.
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