Not all abs exercises were created the same. The amount of abdominal exercises does not build the heart of your dreams. Instead, you need to find exercises for all of the different abdominal muscles and combine them with systemic exercises and good nutrition.
But if you that is What kind of abdominal exercises do you do in a short amount of time? Answer: A Russian twist. The Russian twist is perfect for targeting all the muscles of the core. Even better, this movement helps to strengthen, stabilize and balance the lower back.
But how is the best change to arrange and try in Russian style? Read on to find out everything you need to know about this power move.
How to arrange in Russian style
To arrange it in Russian style, sit on the exercise mat (if you don’t have an exercise mat, we have carefully selected it. The best yoga mat For home workouts), lean back to engage the core and lift your feet off the floor into a V-shaped position. If it helps, you can cross your legs and tie your hands in front of your body. Consider supporting the core, twisting the torso from side to side, and lowering your hands to the side when twisting. Follow your hand with your eyeliner. Keep twisting left and right without dropping your feet on the floor.
Remember to control your movement slowly. Do not bend your back or lean too far back in motion. A Russian twist is one of the abdominal exercises that puts a little pressure on your lower back, so if you are suffering from back pain, it is advisable to check with your doctor before adding it to your regular training routine.
What are the benefits of a Russian twist?
The Russian twist targets all abdominal muscles. The rectus abdominis muscle is the muscle of the abdomen that runs in front of the stomach, the rectus abdominis muscle that can be seen in “6 packs”, and the deepest transversus abdominis muscle. Abdominal muscles; oblique muscles that run along the sides of the torso.
The movements that accompany the Russian twist force you to really move your core and keep it sitting still, but it also works for your stability and targets your lower back muscles. These, in turn, can help your posture.
It’s not just an aesthetic goal, but a strong core for many sports, including running and weight training.
What is the best Russian twist fix?
If you find the Russian twist too difficult, you can try the same exercise with your feet on the floor. To do this, sit on the bones of the seat, lean back and feel the cores engaged. Bend your knees, flatten your feet against the floor, and push your feet forward. Engage the core and rotate it left and right.
Or, if your hips and pelvis have too many Russian twists, try to kneel instead of sitting on the mat. To do this, kneel on the mat and tilt your upper body back until you reach an angle of about 60 degrees. Engage the core and gluteal muscles and twist the torso left and right.
If you find the Russian twist too easy, why not add some weight to your movement? Perform the same twist, but hold an adjustable dumbbell or kettlebell in your hand and lower your weight on the floors on both sides of your body as you twist. You will soon feel burned.
Other exercises to try
Looking for more training inspiration? Here, we have carefully selected the best abs exercises you can try for free. There are also exercises that are better than squats, abdominal exercises that JLo vows, and dumbbell exercises that boast over 1.3 million views.