Educating people to live healthy on a budget is an important part of the UF / IFAS Extension Family Nutrition Program (FNP) mission, as grocery shoppers will have higher shelf prices. Goals are more important than ever.
“Yes, you can cook and prepare healthy and simple foods and meals without spending a lot of money,” said Dr. Sharon Austin, FNP’s Adult Program Specialist. “You don’t have to be a TV celebrity chef or a professional food shopper to save money to make healthy food.”
One option for recipe hunters is on the FNP website (
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Dr. Austin shares some important tips for grocery shoppers who may be in a pinch.
1. Follow the outline of “Planning, Purchasing, Creating”.
Plan your weekly meals and create a shopping list. When planning, look up vendors and seasonal ingredients, such as printed matter and flyers for online grocery stores. You can save money by reducing the number of business trips to stores, especially if fuel costs are high.
Check your cabinets, refrigerators and freezers for the food you already have. The free “Shop Simple with MyPlate” app (mobile or computer is perfect for planning meals and finding budget-friendly recipes.
Shop wisely by sticking to that grocery list. Be careful not to shop on an empty stomach or in a hurry. By doing so, you will be able to buy fewer foods and choose healthier foods. Think of a farmer’s market, a farmer’s stand, or a discounted retailer of low-priced food. Many of these embrace the benefits of SNAP and WIC. (The “Shop Simple with MyPlate” app has the ability to find farmers markets and local retailers who embrace the benefits of SNAP.)
Making meals at home saves money. Eat leftovers or reuse them for other dishes to stretch the ingredients and reduce waste. Vegetables can add variety to soups, salads and stews. Add fruit to cereals, smoothies and salads. From casseroles to salads, we use cooked protein like chicken in several ways. Include low-cost vegetable protein items in your diet, such as beans, peas, and lentils.
2. Compare the prices on the shelves.
“Retail Price” indicates the price you pay for food, and “Unit Price” indicates the price of food per pound, ounce, or quote. The unit price is most useful when comparing the prices of similar products, such as two types of canned beans.
3. Shelf-stable foods are always great.
Especially during the hurricane season, try making canned fruits, vegetables, tomato products, beans, fish and milk. Remember that you can complete your diet with grains such as cereals, pasta, and rice, and flavor your dishes with dried herbs to avoid adding extra salt. Other pantry fillers include baking products, dried fruits and nuts, powdered milk, vinegar, and healthy oils such as canola oil and olives.
4. All kinds of agricultural products are included in the intake of fruits and vegetables.
According to MyPlate, fruits and vegetables should make up half of the plate together.. Be sure to check the salt and sugar labels added in the freezing and canning options.
5. General products are more budget friendly.
Well-known branded products are more widely known, eye-catching, and often associated with trademarked products, but tend to be more costly than common options. Differences in the quality of these foods depend on the product you purchase.
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