Protein powder has a terrible reputation. Well, not necessarily bad, but to say the least, the public image of protein supplements is certainly distorted. It is often believed that protein powders are rich in additives and are not only bad for your health, but can also cause weight gain. Are these urban legends true?
There are many things to unpack here. First of all, what is a protein? Dietary protein is one of the three major major nutrients that the body needs to function. They are all important, but protein is essential for muscle recovery, among other functions. Therefore, the best protein powders are very popular among bodybuilders.
This is the same reason that many associate protein only with muscle building. However, protein alone does not give you big muscles. It consumes large amounts of protein from different sources and requires frequent use of weights for muscle growth. Still, it probably won’t be as big as you might think.
Can Protein Help You Lose Weight?
Protein is recommended for muscles recovery After exercising. Runners and cyclists can help their muscles return to their feet by consuming protein shakes after training and using protein bars quickly. Also, if you’ve seen long-distance runners and cyclists, you know they’re not a big deal.
So does this mean that protein doesn’t give you weight? In fact, protein can help people lose weight. Protein is fairly low in calories (1 gram of protein is about 4 calories), and protein-rich foods will make you feel full longer. Eating fatty foods has a similar effect, but the calories in fat are much higher (about 9 calories per gram).
Protein shakes are generally low in calories and are an ideal snack for people trying to lose belly fat. Serving protein powder contains about 100-120 calories when mixed with water and is mainly made of protein. This is why bodybuilders prefer protein shakes. They can fine-tune their diet and protein consumption.
How to avoid gaining weight with protein
Why do some people gain weight when drinking protein shakes? Many people add protein shakes to their diet without getting rid of unhealthy snacks. This may be the reason why you don’t see any results in weight loss.
If additional protein is consumed and it is not needed for muscle recovery / maintenance, it can be used as energy and stored as fat in the body.
If you want to use protein to lose weight, you need to match your intake with exercise so that your body can use key nutrients for your purposes. This does not have to be strength training, but certainly long-term weight loss is only possible if you increase your basal metabolic rate. Adding extra muscle mass is a great way to do it healthy.
Again, we’re not talking about professional bodybuilder-level muscle mass, more More muscle than the average person has.
Can Protein Help You Gain Healthy Weight?
As mentioned earlier, protein supplements are often used in bodybuilding circles. Given how big those people are, protein powder can certainly help you gain weight and be bulky. Under the right circumstances, it is certainly possible.
Protein can increase mass by helping muscles recover properly after strength training. You see, when you’re nervous, you’ll see minute crevices in your muscles. Protein helps to fix these crevices and allows the muscles to grow slightly to prepare for similar events in the future.
After long periods of frequent resistance training sessions, this process can result in significant muscle growth. The way to gain weight is to have the right training and the right diet plan. Needless to say, you can heal your body. If you are one of those who are having a hard time gaining weight, you can try Mass Gainer.These are so-called high-calorie protein supplements Hard gainer..
Does Protein Gain Weight?
Protein helps facilitate weight gain and loss, depending on your fitness goals. It can do any of them only if your increased protein consumption is part of a healthy diet plan. You can’t cut it just by drinking an extra protein shake a day.
You need protein from a variety of sources, not just protein powder. Rich in both animal and vegetable proteins, including organic poultry, tofu, leafy vegetables and beans. Monitor your intake by mixing things so you don’t go too far.
And whatever your weight goal is, make sure you exercise accordingly so that you can reach it faster. Here are some trainings to get inspiration: the best whole body workouts, the best HIIT workouts, the best kettlebell workouts, and the best push-pull leg exercise routines.