You can now find some of them on social media platforms such as TikTok and reach the younger generation with the latest dance, trends and science-backed information. These anti-diet nutritionists want to keep people away from what is called a “diet culture.” They say that this prioritizes small size over health and significant restrictions over lifestyle changes.
Where experts may have emphasized maximizing “good” foods and eliminating “bad” foods, this generation of dietitians maximizes balanced and sustainable change in a variety of ways. It preaches ending food-based shame for a healthy life.
According to nutritionists, being kind to yourself and enjoying the food you eat is not only more fun, but more effective than traditional nutritional approaches.
Grasso, Previte and Williams are registered dietitians and make money through a paid partnership with TikTok’s Creator Fund on the site.
Diet doesn’t work
Studies agree that this type of diet does not lead to long-term success when it comes to weight goals.
Emily Fague, lead author and postdoctoral researcher at Massachusetts General Hospital, said: “By developing a healthy and consistent dietary habit, patients can reduce weight fluctuations and lose weight more consistently, even at slow paces.”
Dieting can also confuse the mind and body.
According to Alpert, when you feel guilty about your food choices, you start making worse choices, which makes it a cyclical pattern. “There is time and place for french fries and pizza and cake.”
Define a healthy relationship with food
More effective, according to experts, is to build a healthy relationship with food, and they are trying to help people redefine what it means.
“There are many definitions of a healthy relationship with food. To me, it’s really just thankful for the food you eat,” Grasso said. That means assessing the function and nutrients it provides, but it also assesses joy and social aspects, “there is no doubt that you are not afraid to eat desserts or eat out,” Grasso said. I am.
According to experts, part of appreciating food is removing morality from food decisions.
“If you happen to eat a Snickers bar on an apple, you’re neither good nor bad,” Williams said. And she added that losing weight doesn’t have to come at the expense of a healthy relationship with your food.
“You can lose weight, and it’s not a game of attachment,” Williams said. “You can still enjoy the food you like, and you don’t have to cancel your plans with friends. You can still live a fulfilling life, and you can still continue your weight loss journey. I can do it.”
Add instead of limiting
Whatever your health goals, such as nutritionists and weight, fulfilling your mission to cut what you think is “bad” doesn’t work anyway.
“OK, you lost those 5 or 10 pounds. What will your lifestyle be like when you reach that goal? Are you going to continue this restricted path? Or are you going to implement a more comprehensive lifestyle? “Williams asked.
Dietitians such as Williams and Grasso advocate adding food to food rather than limiting it, making it big and dramatic, and making small, gradual changes.
“They can actually do more harm than good,” Grasso said. “You may lose a lot of weight, but eventually that weight will come back, and you have restricted yourself so much that you may gain more weight.”
Their content on TikTok does not focus on what to reduce from the diet, which restaurants are blacklisted, or how to reduce calories. Instead, they preach to add nutrients to the diet to strive for balance.
It may seem like eating pizza for breakfast and adding lots of vegetables to pasta for lunch. It can mean eating the chocolate you are looking at, enjoying it, and continuing your day. Or it could mean ordering taco bells in a balanced way of carbohydrates, protein, healthy fats and vegetables.
“Many people on a diet or looking for a healthy lifestyle want to limit their diet,” Grasso said. “I want to change that idea into something you can add to your life.”
“Instead of what I can take away, what can I add to my plate that will nourish my body to maximize my abilities?” Williams adds. rice field.