Five-time CrossFit Games champion Tia-Clair Toomey is currently in the process of losing the £ 20 he earned during training to qualify for the Australian Olympic Bobsleigh team. In a new video on her YouTube channel, “The Fitting Woman on Earth” shares a 2,500-calorie meal she’s using to lean back in preparation for the CrossFit season.
“During the bobsled trip, I ate a lot of calories, but I was actually force-feeding myself,” she says. “I had about 3,000 to 3,500 calories a day. I wasn’t hungry and I didn’t like food at the time, so here I go from one extreme to another.”
The first meal of the day included toasted bagels with beef bacon and two eggs, another half bagel with peanut butter and bananas, a glass of blueberries, three apple cider vinegar and vitamins, for a total of 790. It becomes calories. Toomey’s husband, coach and former CrossFit athlete Shane Orr explained that she had breakfast three hours before her training session, so a smaller window would contain more fat than before. “You’ll see more carbs introduced all day long,” he says.
For lunch that Toomey normally eats during long breaks in the middle of a training session, Orr cooks ground beef and a protein- and iron-rich mixture of liver with white rice (500 calories). “We are loyal to the macro just because we are trying to lose weight in the bobsleigh,” says Toomey. “So I would have this, a pile of carbs, a little protein. I had a lot of fat for breakfast, so I’m not so keen on having fat through training … Lord The amount of energy during a carb training session to help me do the right thing. “
Later in the training, Toomey had a bag full of snacks for when energy levels began to drop, including bananas, mixed berries and oats, fruit snacks, grain bars, protein smoothies, and other supplements. increase. With 780 calories.
“I’m trying to lose weight, but I think it’s really important, and I’m also very conscious of maintaining the right amount of nutrients that I need to maintain in my training,” she says. .. “I’m overweight compared to where I usually sit comfortably, so I need to reduce calories slowly, but I don’t want to be too fast and I want to check slowly. When it comes to semi-finals, I’m overweight and I want to be myself. As you are, you will be confident, very healthy, and able to exert as much energy. You need to do some training. “
Supper is pork tenderloin, baked potatoes, avocado, mixed salad (440 calories). “This will be very fulfilling, and again I feel like I have a really great balance of carbs, protein and fat,” says Toomey. “Especially make sure I’m fueled for the day after tomorrow’s training.”
Toomey forgot an evening treat of oats, almond milk-based yogurt, berries, and maple syrup, as it would slightly exceed the macro count of the day.
“I was able to make sure my body was getting the right nutrients. I didn’t feel exhausted throughout the training day,” she says. “And I also know that maintaining this regular routine and monitoring what I’m consuming can help me lose the weight I need this season in a healthy way.”
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