I’m not the one who sticks to a super strict diet. I love not only carbohydrates such as pasta and bread, but also occasional sweet treats (such as chocolate cake). But I also know that eating more nutritious foods is the key to maintaining good physical health. Now, new research reveals that a diet filled with fruits and dark green leafy vegetables can also help your mental health!
Exciting research
2021 study published in Personalized Medicine Journal We investigated the relationship between diet and mood in adults over the age of 30. The study included 1,209 participants (329 men and 880 women) who completed a diet and mood survey. The survey highlighted key food groups such as whole grains, dark leafy vegetables (DGLV), meats, legumes and dairy products. These surveys included six self-managed questions about participants’ mental distress based on the Kessler-6 Psychological Distress Scale (K-6) calculated by the author.
From there, researchers classified each participant’s mental health into low, medium, and high mental distress. In addition, adults were asked if they exercised for at least 20 minutes a day. The authors state that previous studies emphasized that exercise helps alleviate the symptoms associated with anxiety and depression. The data from this survey was collected over a three-year period.
Fruitful discovery
Researchers have found a closer relationship between women’s mental health and diet compared to men. They argued that mental distress and exercise patterns affect eating habits. In essence, people who exercise regularly are less likely to engage in unhealthy diets (processed foods) and are reported to have less psychological stress. Lead authors Lina Begdache, PhD, and RDN have taken a “food is fuel” approach in explaining this unique dynamics from their findings.
“Fast foods, breakfast skips, caffeine and high glycemic foods are all associated with the mental distress of mature women,” she said in a statement. “Fruits and dark green leafy vegetables [positive] mental health. “
USDA recommends that women over the age of 50 consume 2-3 cups of DGLV and 1 1/2-2 cups of fruit per day. Served with refreshing smoothies and green juice. Or try this delicious recipe and add a glossy walnut to a green and grapefruit salad (hmm!).
Eating more vibrant and colorful ingredients such as spinach, berries and kale can improve our mood over time. I’m glad that many of these fruits and vegetables are in season and are about to reach their peak flavor!