As the number of cases of COVID-19 is declining, two major healthcare providers in the city and region are updating or discussing ongoing visit policies.
At the Geisinger Medical Center facility, inpatients will be allowed four designated visitors instead of two.
According to UPMC spokesman Tyler Wagner, UPMC’s facilities have not changed their visit policy.
On the other hand, in Gaisinger, a patient can specify four visitors, but only two can enter the hospital room at a time. Guidelines are in place to protect the health and safety of patients and staff.
Visitors to the Gaisinger facility are designated and must wear a wristband while the patient is in the hospital.
Visit hours are from 9am to 6pm. All patients and visitors should wear a mask when in the Gaisinger facility, regardless of vaccination status.
UPMC updated its visit policy on January 13, and that hasn’t changed, Wagner told Sun-Gazette.
The UPMC website has a visit section, and Wagner states that it will continue to be valid this week. On top of that, he says:
“To ensure patient and staff safety and reduce exposure to any illness, including COVID-19, UPMC temporarily limits access to the facility to patients only and identifies support. approved.
People, staff, and essential vendors.
“Our visit policy is based on information and guidelines from national, state, and local healthcare professionals.” He said.
“UPMC continues to require people coming to UPMC facilities to wear face masks that cover their nose and mouth, even if they are fully vaccinated, and to carry out other preventive efforts such as physical distance. increase.
“If you cannot wear a mask for medical reasons, please consult your staff for reasonable accommodation.
“We are committed to keeping facilities, staff, patients and all other visitors as safe as possible. UPMC wears masks for all visitors, regardless of vaccination status. We call for the maintenance of vulnerable patients and the safe support of people by maintaining social distance and hand hygiene.
“We recommend using FaceTime, Skype, Zoom, and the phone to make a virtual visit while your loved one is in the hospital. If you need help, please let the staff know.
“Support personnel can be identified by the patient and become a spouse, partner, family member, or trusted friend. Patients who have someone to help manage and communicate their care are less anxious and self-sufficient. Often they have a better understanding of their care, recover faster and are ready to go home. They are an important part of the care team.
“Everyone must wear a suitable two-layer face mask upon entry and at all times, even if fully vaccinated. They must also follow social distance guidelines. Hmm.
“If you don’t have a face mask, we will provide you with one. Support personnel are strongly advised to wear their own mask, and save supplies for staff and clinicians. can do.
“Gaiters and face shields are not accepted as a substitute for face masks.
“The mask should be worn when not actively eating or drinking, and should be properly worn to cover the mouth and nose.
“Patients and support personnel should be masked if staff or support personnel are in the hospital or office.
“Children are not allowed to visit. Support personnel must be at least 18 years old.
“Except for UPMC Chatequa and UPMC care facilities, admission to UPMC Hospital does not require admission screening, including temperature checks and employee self-screening. Screening details vary by location and type of service …
“If you are not a patient, if you have symptoms of COVID-19 (a cold in the head, a throat infection, pneumonia, a flu-like illness, or fever), or if you are exposed to a suspected or confirmed person. COVID-19 (New Coronavirus Infection. We believe that you can help keep our patients safe.
“If you have an outpatient center or outpatient location in our hospital, have symptoms of COVID-19, or have been infected with a person with COVID-19, contact your doctor. please give me.”