Daniel, 40, from Warrington, England, talks about his weight loss journey.
I’ve gained weight in the last few years, but almost unnoticed, it’s been blocked by a lot of takeaways. When things started to return to normal, I bought a new suit for the meeting. I used to have to put on my pants when I bought the suit, but I was shocked because the 38-inch pants were tight and I was recommended to use 40. So I applied for the Ultimate Performance transformation program at the gym in Manchester.
I did weight training when I was young, but over the years, injuries and inconsistencies have sporadically increased the frequency and effectiveness of my training. Mentally, I was a little depressed. Through this process, I have come to understand how my physical activity is related to my personal well-being.
During the transformation, I had to prepare my food to stick to the diet, and it was much more aware of what I was eating and the choices I was making. became. Once I started to make progress, the diet was very easy to maintain. In general, I’ve noticed that every meal is a source of protein and carbohydrates are the fuel for my day and training.
Initially, I was weight-training aerobic exercise three days a week for two days. If necessary to maintain my activity level, it increased to 4 days of weight and low intensity aerobic exercise. At first I thought it was the most difficult to exercise the lower body, but the coaching advice on shape, angle and grip really had an impact. The set of body parts and the number of personnel were initially reduced, but my form was significantly improved and the entire program was much more balanced to remedy my weaknesses. After that, the volume increased over time.
My muscle mass remained fairly constant, but my body fat was reduced by about 22 kg (48 lbs). I definitely feel confident and energetic. My overall health is also much better. After losing that fat, my blood pressure improved much more. I am happy with my weight now. Future plans are to maintain weight and improve overall rounded fitness by focusing on some areas of weaknesses such as mobility and lower body strength.
The best advice I can give to anyone starting their fitness journey is with the help of a good PT. The time and money you can save by going the wrong way far outweighs the cost. Initially, I considered training with Ultimate Performance and decided to try a low-cost solution or try it myself, but I didn’t get the results I expected and decided to invest in health. I wish I had done it earlier.
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