Working on the core doesn’t have to be a chore.
Strengthening and conditioning the middle torso of the trunk is essential for overall health, stability and injury prevention. This is an area that is often ignored in whole body training.
There are no special equipment, heavy weights, or specific types of classes to target these muscle groups. You can actually do it at home in just 20 minutes with a few simple moves.
It is very beneficial to spend time working in this area as the strong core contributes to improved balance, increased overall strength, and increased confidence in mobility.
The owner of Breathe Fitness Anthony Mayatt, a PT, has created nine simple exercise core workouts that you can run at home without the equipment you need.
A simple home workout to tone your core
In this training, you will run 2-4 rounds with a 1 minute break between the rounds.
Complete your workouts in the following order:
Board-30 seconds
Bicycle – 16 times
Leg Raise – 16 times
Climber – 30 seconds
Jackknife – 16 times
Legs go up again – 16 times
Side plank-30 seconds on each side
Russian twist – 16 times
Board-30 seconds
30 seconds
Place your hands or elbows flat on your front and lift your body so that your hands or elbows are under your shoulders.
Keep your trunk in a straight line from head to toe, squeeze your gluteal muscles, and pull your shoulders down to fit in your back pocket.
16 times
Place your hands behind your ears and legs and lie straight on your back.
Try to bring the other elbow into contact with the knee and pull in one knee as a crunch on the other side.
Go back to the beginning and repeat on the other side.
Leg Raise
16 times
Stretch your legs straight and lie on your back with your arms lying down.
Keep your feet straight, raise your feet perpendicular to the floor, then move your hips upwards toward the sky.
Slowly lower your hips and return to the starting position.
30 seconds
Place your hand under your shoulder and move it to the position of the board of your hand.
Pull one knee toward the elbow on the same side, return to the beginning, and repeat with the other leg.
Always sit down so that your body is in a straight line from your head to your ankles.
16 times
Stretch your legs forward and your arms back to lie on your back. First move your upper body to do sit-ups, then pull your knees toward your chest as your hips rise from the floor.
Controls the movement back to the start.
Side plate
30 seconds
Lying down with your elbows just below your shoulders. Raise your hips to keep your body in a straight line from your head to your feet and hold the position of the board.
Keep your gluteal muscles firm, turn your head up, and repeat the same time on the other side.
Russian twist
16 times
Bend your knees and stand upright. Keep your back flat until you notice your abdominal muscles tighten, and if your body allows, lift your legs a few inches off the floor.
Hold your hands in front of your chest and slowly rotate them to one side, trying to touch your elbows to the middle of your back.
Do the same thing and slowly rotate it to the other side.
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Details: 20 minutes of training: whole body for beginners
Details: How to do “snackable training” in just 10 minutes
Details: 20 minutes of training: Strengthen and tone your glutes
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