Many people like to sweeten their cups every morning because drinking coffee * completely * black is an acquired taste. If you’re a coffee lover trying to lose weight, you may be aware that there are a lot of unhealthy, sugar-like heavy sweets that can interfere with your health goals. The good news is that you don’t have to * give up * a real cup of Joe with a flavor kick-you just have to be careful about what makes it sweet. We talked to a nutritionist who suggested a fruit-based natural sweetener that wouldn’t pack extra calories without your knowledge.
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Try Monk Fruit Sweets
The monk fruit itself is a small green gourd that resembles a melon and is usually cultivated in Southeast Asia. The extract is used in the production of sweeteners and can be found in common forms of liquids, granules and powders.according to Health line, Monk fruit is 150-200 times sweeter than sugar, but does not have the negative effects of artificial sweeteners. This option has zero calories, carbs, sodium and fat, making it an ideal choice for those who want to lose weight.
Registered nutritionist Lisa Richards recommends those who have to sweeten their coffee to use low-fat dairy or plant-based options to target inflammation. “Monk fruit is an excellent sweetener alternative to creamers and sugar,” says Richards. “It’s naturally sweet and rich in antioxidants, which means that it not only avoids the inflammatory components of processed creamers and sugar, but also provides the body with anti-inflammatory nutrients.”
Sweeteners made from monk fruits are classified as “generally recognized as safe” or GRAS by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). It is important to consider this as well. Christine Van Doren, a certified personal trainer and nutritionist, agrees that monk fruit sweets are worth adding to coffee. “Monk fruit seems to be one of the most natural choices,” says Van Doren. “It also doesn’t contribute to weight gain because it has zero calories per serving. The FDA considers sweets to be safe and has no known harmful side effects.”
So, in conclusion, if you want to lose weight and want to add a little more flavor each morning than blackening your coffee, it’s worth trying the Monk Fruit Sweets. Without the addition of daily sugar, calories, cream and other artificially sweetened options, your body will feel much better and it may be exciting to mix New Year’s coffee orders.