Weight loss is “not just vanity,” and action is needed to undo indirect harm, such as the loss of activity that occurred during the coronavirus pandemic, key doctors said. I am saying.
Dr. Hilary Jones, a television Medic who regularly appears in Lorraine and Good Morning Britain, described the “almost obese epidemic” in the United Kingdom. This was exacerbated by the Covid-19 crisis, he said.
The GP said that losing weight is “as important as quitting smoking”, has many physical and psychological benefits, and “looks great on a scale”.
He told PA News Agency: So people are trapped in the four walls of the house, eating comfortably, eating because they are bored, reducing physical activity … yes, that’s an indirect harm, and now I’m We need to reverse it.
“It’s never too late to reverse them.
“So we had the longest night … the darkest hours, now the days are longer, and every day we have the opportunity to exercise a bit, whatever it is, what we eat Or think about potion size It’s true that we need to undo what we’re consuming and what we’re eating, and the indirect harm caused by the pandemic, but why we can’t. there is no.”
He said that when it comes to losing weight, people never exceed the “no return point”, and a loss of only 5 percent of a person’s weight can bring “huge benefits” in multiple areas. Told.
He encouraged individuals to set “challenge goals” such as a 5-kilometer run and an obstacle course, and to be companions to stay motivated.
Encouraging everyone to “start with a few steps,” he added: To turn things around, your body will be grateful for what you are doing. “
Dr. Jones, who confessed Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s “illogical” Covid’s advice on working from home in early December, said the Department of Health, Social Care (DHSC) and the NHS.
It is estimated that more than 6 in 10 adults (63%) are at high risk of serious illness due to overweight or serious illness due to the coronavirus. This is a warning.
The campaign highlights six benefits that can have a lasting impact on a person by gaining a healthier weight.
These include common cancer, heart disease, diabetes, elevated blood pressure, reduced risk of hospitalization with Covid-19, and reduced burden of chronic back and joint pain.
Maggie Throup, Minister of Public Health, said: It has a positive impact on our health, including reducing the chances of getting a serious illness with Covid-19.
Dr Jeanelle de Gruchy, Deputy Chief Medical Officer, co-leader of the Department of Health Improvement and Disparity, added:
“The Better Health campaign outlines the health benefits of losing weight and provides people with the tools and resources to make small changes to improve their health.”
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