Punching bags are a great way to turn bodyweight training into punishment. For lunges, runs, presses and planks, use a bag that is approximately 40% of your body weight.
Stretching $1,000 allows you to prioritize serious strength, explosiveness, and recovery. All of these items are also a lot of fun.
power block adjustable dumbbell
An adjustable bell turns a humble home setup into an honest, permanent gym. These power blocks are up to 90 lbs and can be used by most people. This Reddit dumbbell routine is a good place to start.
Rogue Post Landmine and Rogue Echo Bar
Mines require a barbell and provide an explosive workout that targets the posterior chain without straining the spine. It won’t fit in an apartment unless it’s a Liberace-sized spot, but it’s great for backyards and garages. Check this account for exercises. Start with the corkscrew switch and go from there.
base block big bar
Muscle ups—achieving a pull-up and then hipping up to the bar—are as strong as Occam’s razor. If you can do one, you’re probably mobile, lean, and strong enough to do other things. This bar is stable, does not require very high ceilings, and can be folded after use. If you still can’t get to muscle-ups, increase the pull-ups to 20 for him and 20 dips in a row, then try this YouTube routine.
When it comes to throwing $5,000 in, the options for getting it right are endless, but the priority here is to create a more organic and demanding concept of strength than actual heavy weight.
Rogue Abram Groot Ham Developer
Grootham developers separate the posterior chain, leaving the spine intact. They should be standard in every gym in America. If you want to be bulletproof, buy this and then charge your entry for your friends to use.
assault air bike
A good Fun Bike Fan pushes the harder you pedal, pushing your workout from cardio to hybrid strength training. There are more workouts than you think.
Two Rep Fitness Push-Pull Sleds and 45 lb Bumper Plates
The Prowler Push is an elite recovery. They require more space than land mines, at least a driveway, possibly a road, and are not found in most commercial gyms.
Titan Fitness T-3 Series Tall Squat Stand
Many people like barbell squats. I’m a fan of exercise when the lifter is tuned and strong enough to do it safely.But if home he’s building a gym, why?This squat stand is The simplest and best option. Use a landmine barbell and prowler weights and move up to heavy singles at the end of your workout.
Assault Runner Pro Manual Treadmill
Gait — the way we walk — is a hot fitness buzzword, and for good reason. Manual treadmills are a great tool for assessing our movements, but also provide a very comprehensive workout. Running and keeping your balance is qualitatively different from anything else in the gym.
Functional pattern 10 week course
While not exactly a gadget, the Functional Patterns Introductory Course is a worthwhile home workout investment for anyone who finds starting a workout with heavy weights too painful or too hard. It’s hard to explain what they do, but most of the time it’s about knocking body gunk off first, then changing tools, then making it stronger. You don’t need much equipment.