Do you suffer from chronic bloating? “When someone feels bloated, it can be difficult. FNP’s Matt Hoffman, Clinical Assistant Professor at Texas A&M College of Nursing, said:“Bloating and puffiness can cause problems and contribute to a variety of other problems, so it’s best to know what kind of bloating you’re dealing with.” Here are five reasons why it’s inflated. Read on.To protect your health and that of others, don’t miss these Sure Signs You Already Have COVID.
Eating more than you are comfortable with can lead to painful bloating. “Choose smaller plates so you can sit and eat less.” hoffmann says“Also, eating slowly helps your body digest the food more easily, which tells your body that you’re full.”
Sitting too much after eating can make you feel bloated. “[That’s why] To avoid discomfort, I often tell someone to go for a walk after lunch to aid digestion. ” Laura Manning, R.D., Gastroenterology, Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York City, said:“Exercise speeds up bowel transit and helps you go to the bathroom more often.”
Celiac disease and gluten intolerance can cause bloating and dairy intolerance, doctors say. and/or patients who are intolerant to sucrose (an artificial sweetener).” Dr. Chad Gonzales says.
Stress can cause swelling, according to medical experts. “We know that the gut is bi-directionally connected to the central nervous system via the brain-gut axis.” Ashkan Farhadi, MD says, a gastroenterologist at Memorial Care Orange Coast Medical Center in Fountain Valley, CA. That’s why “stress can lead to stomach discomfort and irritability.”
“Everyone is a little different, and what causes swelling in one person may not always affect another.” hoffmann says“It’s really about learning which foods cause discomfort and restricting your diet. Starchy foods like beans, legumes, and bread can help you feel fuller for longer, but they can also help you feel fuller for longer.” It can also cause someone to feel bloated. If you notice sudden changes in weight or changes in bowel movements (such as changes in color or consistency), seek medical attention as these may be signs of an underlying medical condition. If you’re digesting food, you’ll know it’s likely the cause of your bloating and cramping, but if it happens suddenly with a healthy diet, be careful. Neglected, you should visit your provider.
ferothan mast
Ferozan Mast is a science, health and wellness writer with a passion for making science and research-backed information accessible to a general audience.Read more about Pherozan