Fruits tend to wrap badly when it comes to blood sugar, but berries are one of the few notable exceptions. Berry does not raise blood sugar much because it is high in fiber and low in sugar. However, one particular berry stands out in this regard. According to a registered dietitian Raspberries are the best berries for hyperglycemia.. And that’s just one of the secret side effects of eating raspberries. Not only do they win the best fiber contests, they also have the lowest sugar content. In addition, they are packed with many other beneficial compounds.
That’s why the 2019 study Hood & Function We found that postprandial insulin levels were lower when insulin-resistant prediabetes adults ate raspberries with their meals.
The glycemic index measures how much your blood sugar rises when you eat a particular food.according to Juliana Tamayo, RDNRaspberry, the editor of Fitness Clone, has a glycemic index of 32, which is considered “low”. It makes it an outstanding food option for diabetics.
Why raspberries are the best berries for hyperglycemia
Raspberries also contain a whopping 8 grams of fiber per cup. This is 29% of the daily intake. Fiber also accounts for about half of the total carbohydrate content, including sugar.
“This means that when you eat raspberries, your blood sugar levels don’t rise that much because fiber is absorbed and digested much slower,” explains Tamayo.
Raspberries are especially high in two antioxidants, flavonols and anthocyanidins. Anthocyanins block certain digestive enzymes, which slows digestion and helps prevent blood sugar spikes.
“The anthocyanins in raspberries are associated with lower blood sugar and insulin levels,” he explains. Sarah Chatto Field, RDN On a healthy canal. “And tannins block enzymes involved in carbohydrate breakdown and lower glycemic levels. In addition, raspberry intake is associated with beneficial changes in gut health and may help improve glycemic control. I have.
Tips for eating raspberries to control blood sugar
While raspberries alone can be completely appetizing, Tamayo suggests combining raspberries with a protein source for best glycemic control. She recommends combining them with unsweetened Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, or a handful of almonds.
“Healthy fats and proteins from nuts slow down digestion even more, so adding them to a handful of nuts will enhance their power,” he says. Dana Ellis Funes, RDSenior Clinical Dietitian at UCLA Medical Center, Recipe for survival..
Even better, put these raspberries and nuts in a voluminous, high-fiber oatmeal bowl to further control blood sugar levels.
Rebecca Strong
Rebecca Strong is a Boston-based freelance health / wellness, lifestyle and travel more