It’s difficult to lose weight. According to the data, it seems almost impossible to keep it off. Unfortunately, studies show that most of us regain weight within two years, and by five years almost everything can be regained. In addition, many people will gain more weight than they lost. These statistics are disappointing, but focusing on the ultimate goal of improving health and longevity can raise odds. The path to a successful weight maintenance plan begins long before you reach your target number. Here’s how to approach a healthy weight in the long run:
Stick to metabolic health numbers, not numbers On the scale
When patients first come to see me, they often discuss their goals. In most cases, these goals include some. “I want to lose this much pound” or “I want to reach this number on a scale”. Studies show that focusing on health-speaking numbers instead of scale numbers may be more influential in sustained behavioral changes. Discard the scale and focus on lipid panels, blood glucose levels, or perhaps inflammatory markers. Paying more attention to health than weight changes why you want to lose pounds first. All other quality of life parameters, such as improved sleep, chronic pain relief, and increased energy, can also motivate sustainability. Finally, if you have to rely on a scale, choose the option to assess body fat and muscle mass.
Learn from weight maintenance warriors
Several studies have been conducted to assess why one person succeeds in losing weight and another does not. Two journal obesity studies surveyed 5,000 to 6,000 individuals who participated in a structured weight loss program. Participants in the study lost an average of 50 pounds and lost weight for more than three years.
Successful weight lossrs from these studies and previous data were often more likely to:
- In most cases, we made healthy food choices and found these choices to be easy and “unconscious.”
- Self-monitor and record their food intake.
- Eat foods that are relatively low in calories but nutritious.
- Engage in higher levels of physical activity.
- Prioritize continuous goal setting.
- Celebrate their past achievements and embrace their current health.
Another important aspect was the way of thinking, especially when faced with challenges and adversity. Both health and appearance were important motivational factors, but greater self-confidence and greater mental and physical health have made it the top of the list for maintaining healthy habits. rice field.
Move more
When it comes to weight loss, your diet has been found to play a much more important role in terms of weight loss. After all, exercise is not the key to successful weight loss. But when it comes to keeping those pounds from coming back, you need to move more. A recent study from the University of Colorado found that when an individual engages in physical activity, he or she takes more steps per day (about 12,000) and consumes more energy. Another study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine We found that women need to exercise 5 days a week for at least 55 minutes to maintain weight loss. This recommendation goes beyond current exercise guidelines that require only 150 minutes of moderate physical activity and two days of muscle building training throughout the week.
Fall in love with protein
A 2020 study of the Journal of Nutrition found that a high-protein diet was associated with an increased ability to maintain weight loss. This study showed that having more protein often counteracts the process of adaptive heat generation, the state in which the body adapts to new weight by altering energy expenditure. An easy way to do this is to add protein to every meal and light meal. For example, eat egg whites for breakfast, hummus for light meals, and wild salmon for supper.
Evaluate social circles
Have you ever been told by a friend that you won’t die if you eat a bite of something? According to a University of North Carolina study, weight-loss individuals can face “lean stigma” that consciously or unknowingly interferes with or undermines successful efforts to lose weight. Researchers have found that effective communication techniques are one way to mitigate comments from friends and family and discourage attitudes. For example, communicating weight loss efforts to your loved ones in advance as a way to gain better health, rather than motivating them to lose weight or looking good, is a way to avoid lean stigma interactions. It was a successful method.
Accept and adapt to your body’s survival mechanism
Studies show that frequent attempts to lose weight and then restore it (often called a yo-yo diet) can have a negative impact on your health and increase your risk of gaining weight. According to a 2016 study, repeated diets may suggest that the brain is in a period of famine. Correspondingly, the body continues to work towards fat storage in preparation for the next round. Your body will adapt and become more efficient at your current lower weight, and if you don’t adapt, you’ll probably regain your weight.
Imagine walking around a block wearing a 20-pound vest. The walk is rewarding and you may have to work harder during the activity. The amount of exercise is high, and the calories you are burning are also high. Imagine taking off your vest now. The body doesn’t have to work so hard to get you around the block. If you lose 50 pounds and nothing changes in your physical activity or eating habits, you are more likely to regain that weight. Continuous adaptation is essential as your metabolism works with new weight.
Let’s stop dieting
If the idea of weight loss and weight maintenance is a “diet,” research shows that you are most likely to fail. A 2017 randomized controlled trial found that people who stopped their diet lost weight and were more likely to lose weight. The basis of a diet is often a limitation. The more limits you have, the less you will lose. So take a break from your diet and accept lifestyle changes instead.
Weight loss can have a significant impact on health and longevity, especially if weight loss occurs in the central region. Focusing on longevity, well-being, and increased energy makes it clear why you lose weight in the first place and makes it easier for you to maintain better health.