Julia Ghatland
The cabbage brothers have earned a star status because all forks contain large amounts of fiber and calcium. It can withstand grilling, steaming, and sauteing, so feel free to create it. Versatile vegetables, FTW!
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Grated lime peel and 2 tablespoons of lime juice
Grated ginger
Jalapeno, thinly sliced
Olive oil, split
Baby bok choy on the head, half
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- Heat the grill to medium to high. Put the juice ½ orange in a bowl (you need about 2 tablespoons) and cut the other half into 3 wedges. Add lime rind and juice to a bowl, add honey and 1/2 teaspoon salt and dissolve with a whisk. Add ginger, garlic, jalapeno and 2 tablespoons of oil and stir.
- Toss the bok choy with the remaining tablespoon oil and season with ¼ tablespoon salt. Grill with the cut side down, 2 minutes. Turn it over and cook for 1-2 minutes until it is just soft. More; Transfer to a platter. Grill the orange wedge for 1-2 minutes until browned. Transfer to a platter. Stir the dressing and let it rain lightly on the bok choy.
This article was originally published in the May / June 2022 issue. Women’s health..
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