The strong gluteal muscles not only look tight in swimsuits and shorts, but also help you walk, move, and sit in a better posture. By activating the gluteal muscles, you can train your legs and back to work together. Therefore, when you reach high or crouch down to pick up something, you will learn how to move your gluteal muscles instead of straining your back and legs.
As a personal trainer for almost 15 years, I realized that when it comes to gluteal muscles, my clients love the basic exercises to get the job done. I also like to keep the basics when it comes to gluteal training. These are some of my favorite exercises. Because they feel good and burn just enough the moment I feel like I’m working hard, but not so hard that I feel like I’m overworking my muscles.
I also love that these movements don’t require any equipment. Perform these five simple moves wherever you are, whether in front of your home TV or during your lunch break. After running this short routine consistently for several weeks, you will see and feel the gluteal muscles become active, firm, and strong.
Repeat each exercise 10 times in a total of 3 sets.
Wall squat
Keep your back straight, your legs hip-width apart, and lean against the wall. Place your arms on both sides as you bend your knees and slide down the wall. Bend until your thighs are parallel to the floor. The foot should be far enough from the wall to form a 90 degree angle at the knee joint. Squeeze the abdominal and gluteal muscles, hold for a few seconds, then slide your back from the wall to the starting position.
Goblet squat
Stand with your toes slightly outward and your legs wider than your hips. With your elbows bent, place your palms on your chest. I’m looking forward to squeezing my abdomen, pushing my hips back and bending my knees. Remember to keep your back straight as you keep your hips down until your hips are below your knees. Place your elbows inside your knees before pushing down on your heels to stand up.
Crouching on the side leg lift
This progression from a basic squat ignites the hamstrings, quadriceps, and gluteus maximus, and also targets the gluteus medius (side hips) during the leg lift. To do this, first do a squat. Then, when you stand up, extend your right leg to the right, lift it up to your hips, and move your outer right hip and thighs. Put your feet back and lower them into squats. Repeat 10 times, then switch to the other side.
Reverse lunge
Spread your legs across your hips and stand with your hands in a prayer position or aside. Return your right foot to the rush position. Support the core and lower it until your knees are almost in contact with the floor. Both knees should be at an angle of about 90 degrees. Move forward and return to standing. Repeat 10 times before switching sides.
Glute bridge
Lying on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the ground. The knees should be away from the hips. Squeeze your gluteal muscles and raise your hips in a straight line from your neck to your knees, being careful not to stretch your hips too much. Clench your hands under your back and stretch deeper, or keep your arms outstretched to the floor and point your fingers at your feet. Hold the pose for 5 seconds. Do not spread your knees sideways or tilt them inward. Lower it slowly.